Case Studies

 "Impossible" achieved 

  • Created an intervention process which allowed opposing groups in a unification process to let go of suspicion, speak frankly, and build trust so they could resolve issues and draft a constitution that would be approved by the merged body within a timeframe that had been seen as impossible. Leaders said it would not have been possible without the intervention.

Unification success

  • Developed an assessment and, working with leadership, a series of overlapping conversations, processes, interventions, initiatives and platforms to support successful unification of two culturally distinct entities with complex independent stakeholder interests.

Relief, community

  • Created and facilitated an intervention, group learning experience and discussion to support two merging sports organizations challenged with recruiting athletes at a time when the coach they would be playing for had not been named. The group’s concerns were gathered and shared privately with their leader and then with the entire group so they could be addressed in real time by the leader. The process was acknowledged by all as creating relief, clarity and community, at a time of uncertainty for what has become a great organization.

"Outstanding" plan

  • Facilitated a large strategic planning process as part of a unification initiative, in which all 1000+ employees and select stakeholders were invited to participate. Led numerous small group discussions, gathering group input on mission and vision statements, goals, values and objectives. Based on reviews with unification committee and leadership, finalized each aspect, drafted a plan and oversaw approval and editing process, producing a document deemed “outstanding,” “excellent,” by leaders over a matter of weeks.

"Never seen"

  • Created a unification process of two merging boards that allowed selection of officers, and voting on mission, vision and by-laws to be approved during a single, enjoyable offsite. Senior leader remarked: “I’ve never seen this.”

Candid conversations

  • Developed and facilitated an initiative that brought individuals representing all stakeholders across two merging institutions to create a learning experience and have a candid, interactive discussion to build community and innovation around improving communication to better serve constituents.

Transformational outcome

  • Using a coaching inquiry model, created and facilitated retreat credited by leader as powerful for setting a new tone, new energy and focus to support organizational transformation. Within six weeks, leader reports transformational outcomes.

"Tremendous improvement"

  • Client promoted from manager to C-level reported by sponsor to have made "tremendous improvement' in cultivating executive presence, influence, visibility and effectiveness within four months, including achieving desired result in extremely difficult, potentially explosive conversation with a top leader. 

Team Turnaround

  • Leader attributes coaching program to ability to turn around three underperforming team members, surpassing business targets, so that his team results led four-state division; leader sought to teach peers his methods. Assesses 50:1 return on investment in program, based on sales increases and retention of a team member estimated by the firm to represent a $500,000 cost to replace. 

"Vast Improvement"

  • A leader at a multinational products firm learned to develop a more collaborative leadership style with peers, to be more proactive in gaining support and in bringing in a strong number two person for the pivotal department. A “vast improvement” was noted by superiors after four months of coaching. The leader was recommended for promotion shortly after completing a year of coaching, and promoted a second time to a global role. 

Leader promoted

  • A leader at a top professional services firm expands leadership and communication skills and more proactively engages involvement of other leaders to ensure increased customer service satisfaction. Leader promoted. 

Mood shifted

  • Client achieved desired result at a meeting with the Executive Committee of a multinational on a project that had caused upset throughout the organization. As a result of preparation, including anticipating concerns and reactions and planning for them, the client was credited with “shifting the mood” of the committee from one of complaint, to curiosity about the positive impact of the project. 

Leadership alignment

  • The leadership of a firm learned to work more collaboratively and effectively, through greater understanding of the dynamic that interfered with shared leadership, and greater clarity in making and managing requests and promises and directly addressing issues.

Increased sales 

  • Guided an executive to re-position a privately-held organization from a manufacturing firm to a professional services firm, to more accurately communicate the actual value provided. Created a positioning statement and new collateral and worked with the sales team to re-orient its sales process and refine its sales conversation, resulting in a 25% increase in annual sales, and more of the creative, innovative projects at which they excelled.

Higher revenues

  • For a marketing consulting firm experiencing stagnant sales, worked with the president to clarify the value provided to clients. Created a new positioning statement, literature and identity package. As a result, the firm booked a year’s worth of business in a single quarter and experienced a higher level of revenues and demand for its services that sustained over time.